• 23/07/2024

How To Create Backlinks?

If you have a website or deal with SEO, you might have heard about the term ‘backlinks’. Well, backlinks are one of the most crucial factors for any website. It indicates to the search engines that a particular website is trustworthy and relevant. Therefore, creating quality backlinks is very important. If you strategically follow the right formula methodically to generate high-quality backlinks, it can help improve your website’s authority and ranking. To create suitable backlinks, various factors are considered. However, before we dive into the technical details broadly, let us first understand what are backlinks along with a few other basic details.

What are Backlinks?

If you have ever visited a website, you might have found a word highlighted and underlined in blue. Chances are there that you might have taken your cursor over it as well, where the cursor changed into a hand icon. Out of curiosity, if you have clicked it, then you have noticed that it directs you to a new page. That is what backlinks are. To explain it to you technically, backlinks are hyperlinks mentioned on other websites that direct the user to your website. Backlinks help build your website authority. The more backlinks you have the better it is for your website as it will help your website rank higher in user search results.

Importance of Backlink

Now that you have understood what backlinks are, it is time to introduce you to the importance of backlinks. Backlinks are nothing but votes from other reputed and high-authority websites that vouch for your website. These vouches state that your content is credible and holds a value that can be useful for the users.

Backlinks are primarily very vital for any website owner for two basic reasons. One of which is to get discovered by the users/searchers. Not only do backlinks play an important role for your website in escalating higher in search engines but also help you draw organic traffic. Backlinks are very useful as they also help retain existing members while simultaneously drawing new ones. So, the more backlinks you have, the easier it will be for users to land on your website flexibly.

The next reason that focuses on the importance of backlinks is a bit lengthy. To help you understand it, we have segregated down below into three easy-peasy points.

Number 1: Crawling and indexing

Backlinks are a game-changer not only for website owners but also for search engines. These search engines use different software like bots, crawlers, or even spiders to help them crawl over the web. Doing so enables them to travel through various links to discover different types of content and store them in their index in a proper manner. So, whenever a user enters their search result, the search engine goes through their stored data and then shows in their result. The easiest way for any search engine to draw out any result is through a link.

Number 2: Ranking signal

The next most important aspect of a backlink is to rank a website. Search engines also utilize the potential of a backlink to assess the ranking position of a website in their results. So, for any topic, the more backlinks you gain across the web, the chances of your website standing out from your competitors is more! If you consider Google’s search engine factor, they take backlinks very seriously. As per Google, your website gains a better chance to rank better in their search results, if a third-party website recognizes your website as a credible source. And this can only be established if the third-party website either mentions or links to your website.

Number 3: Competitive intelligence

Nonetheless, backlinks are even more fun as they allow you to get your website into a competition! Through backlinks, you can also get to know which authoritative or valuable websites your competitors are linking their sites with. This will give you a fair share of ideas about the sources from where you should get backlinks to better rank your website in the search engines. So, if you are wondering How to get quality backlinks, here’s a quick solution! One of the best ways to get credible and high-quality backlinks is through relevant publications. Try to earn backlinks from sources that have some similarity to what your website tries to convey to the audience.

What are High-quality Backlinks?

If a backlink has the following characteristics, know that they are of high quality:

Backlinks that come from high-authority websites like news websites or even academic journals. If you do not know how to check for the authority of any website use tools such as Domain Rating or Domain Authority.

Backlinks are more credible and make your website appear to have value if they are relevant to your website’s niche, topic, or even industry. For example, if your website is about pets, getting backlinks from pet item blogs will fetch you more authority than getting backlinks from cosmetic blogs.

Another major catch for getting high-quality backlinks is to look for websites that offer natural anchor text and descriptive backlinks that are hyperlinks. Like backlinks with anchor text, “best dog breeds” is very natural and more descriptive in comparison to an anchor text that says “click here”.

Lastly, getting backlinks from anchor texts that are placed in contextual and prominent positions is of high value. Websites that place anchor text in the introduction or conclusion section are considered high-quality backlinks than websites that stuff anchor text in hidden areas.

Different Types of Backlinks

Based on various factors and criteria, there are different types of backlinks:

Guest posting:

Here, you write an article for any website and add a link somewhere in the content or in the author bio that drives to your site. Such backlinks help you to diversify your reach to new audiences. It also helps you to develop professional relationships with various webmasters and state your expertise.

Social media posting:

In social media posting, you share any content of yours on different platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, etc, and add a link to your site. This sort of backlinks will help you to get social signals, drive traffic, and increase your brand awareness thus, enhancing your SEO ranking.

Article submission:

Article submission is when you deliver your content to various article platforms like HubPages, Medium, etc. Here, you add a link within the content or resource box that drives to your site. Such backlinks will help you diversify your profile and establish your knowledge to a wider audience.

Social bookmarking:

There are many social bookmarking websites like Delicious, Reddit, and much more. If you bookmark your content there and add a link to your site that is called social bookmarking. Backlinks from social bookmarking will help you attract comments and votes from others, generate organic traffic, and boost your online exposure.

Web mention:

When any other site mentions your content or website and adds a link that drives to your site is called a web mention. Such backlinks will enable you to build and establish your reputation, get referral traffic, and also earn trust.

Image submission:

Image submission is when you upload image content to platforms like Imgur, Flickr, etc, and add your site link in the picture caption. Image submission backlinks will help you attract online attention. Showcase your visual content, and drive traffic.

Press release:

Press releases are writing news articles about products, websites, events, etc, and distributing them to PR media outlets or sites and including your website link. Such backlinks will help you get brand awareness, coverage from authoritative sources, and publicity.

Factors to Consider While Creating Backlinks

Below is the list of factors you should consider while creating backlinks. They are as follows:

  • Website relevancy: Such as niche, genre, and so on.
  • Anchor texts: Like keyword, generic, branded, etc.
  • Age of the website: Its years of existence.
  • Authority of a website: means the strength of a site to gain high ranks in SERPs.

So, these are some of the types through which you can get backlinks. However, for SEO, the best backlink types are niche directories, editorial, guest blogging, and relationship-based. These types of backlinks will help you to boost your website’s traffic, ranking, and reputation. However, you must avoid certain backlinks like spammy, irrelevant, paid, or even low-quality as it can affect your site’s reputation and performance.

Ways to Get Backlinks

Technically there are many ways to get backlinks. But if you want to rock your 2024, then here are some of the most ethical and effective ways to get backlinks for your site:

Getting featured on resource pages:

Resource pages are useful pages or websites on a respective topic. There are various resource pages for Indian recipes, cosmetics, or dog training. Based on your genre, you can find out your relatable resource page with the help of search operators like ‘keyword+intitle: resources’ or ‘keyword+inurl: resources’. You can contact the website owners and request them to add your site as a resource. It will help you get contextual and relevant backlinks that will drive authority and traffic to your site.

Generate linkable assets:

These are top-notch pages that offer valuable data, information, or insights that other sites would link to. Some of the best examples of linkable assets’ backlinks are infographics, case studies, quizzes, original research, and more. To get such backlinks, you must know your target audience and research their interests and needs. Based on this, you will have to generate content that addresses and solves their issues and answers their query. Additionally, you must also promote your content to platforms and websites that are relevant to your content niche and category.

Building professional relationships with experts and influencers:

Building professional relationships with influencers and experts will help your backlinks through recommendations, mentioning, and sharing your content/site with their audience.

The easiest way to develop strategic relationships with any experts or influencers is by getting to know them and connecting with them on social media. Engaging with them via commenting on their posts, emailing them, & collaborating with them are also some of the best ways to build professional connections!

How to Check Backlinks?

You can check backlinks using various Backlink checkers like:


You already have understood by now that creating backlinks isn’t easy. It is tough but that’s the catch! Many people opt for various shortcuts to get backlinks. They often look for ways to generate loads of backlinks without giving much effort but that can only damage your website’s reputation. So, rather than opting for shortcuts that can cause your website a lot of damage, instead, it is better to impress reputed websites with your content. That will eventually help you generate good quality content that will help you fetch a sufficient amount of backlinks!


What do backlinks in SEO mean?

Backlink SEO means that there is a link from any other site that directs it to your website. It acts as a signal to different search engines that your site is relevant and trustworthy or a certain keyword or topic.

How can I create the best local SEO backlinks?

To create the best local SEO backlink you can create local content, list your business on local directories, and reach out to local influencers and media.

Which is a good example of backlinks?

A good example of backlinks is if you write a post about the best places to hang out in your city and a famous tour and travel magazine links to it.

What tool should I use for backlinks?

Some of the best tools you can use for backlinks are SEMrush, Majestic, Ahrefs, and Moz.

How to create backlinks in SEO for my site?

You can create backlinks to your site by using the following methods and strategies:

  • Writing guest posts
  • Using social media
  • Generating linkable assets
  • Building professional relationships